clarkwan 發表於 2011-3-19 22:47

opp 95....多D細節

HI, 我而家等緊OPPO95, 我睇美國既 OPPO WEBSITE:
發玩用OPPO 睇 3D 可以唔使用3D 既 RECEIVER (擴音機). 原來佢既 2 HDMI 可以一條去電視, 一條去擴音機, 咁米唔使用3D 既 RECEIVER
Dual HDMI Outputs – The BDP-95 is equipped with two HDMI output ports and offers the most versatile installation options. You do not have to upgrade your A/V receiver to a 3D model in order to enjoy 3D. One HDMI output of the BDP-95 can be connected to a 3D TV and the other can be connected to a pre-3D HDMI v1.1-v1.3 A/V receiver. For projector users, you can connect one output to a projector for home theater use and the other to a TV for casual viewing. For a multi-room installation the BDP-95 can output audio and video to two 3D or 2D TVs simultaneously.

仲有既係, 原來 BDP 95 同BDP 93 既機箱設計係完全唔同, BDP 95 係設計用埋聽MUSIC 既所以冇話加D PARTS 就 93變95
Although the BDP-95 shares the same playback platform as the BDP-93, it is designed from the ground up with a different chassis and many different components optimized for the analog audio performance. For this reason it is not possible to upgrade a BDP-93 to gain the BDP-95's enhanced audio performance by replacing parts.


edlsang 發表於 2011-3-19 23:36

Ching waiting for your report .

kwong_20040169 發表於 2011-3-19 23:38

waiting for your report

grace 發表於 2011-3-19 23:39

wait for ur report x2

fm31331 發表於 2011-3-19 23:44


鐵心心 發表於 2011-3-20 13:13


dragonyam 發表於 2011-3-20 15:25

等 C Hing Report{:6_128:}

yuppi 發表於 2011-3-20 15:31

今日收到張月結單....銀行收左我 $9,053.38....{:6_185:}

emuho888 發表於 2011-3-20 15:42

{:6_193:} 回復 8# yuppi


lamdog 發表於 2011-3-20 16:23

今日收到張月結單....銀行收左我 $9,053.38....
yuppi 發表於 2011-3-20 15:31

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