bb1668 發表於 2011-3-20 20:29

Ching成份power board換咗?
lut 發表於 2011-3-19 13:56

Yes, I did change the whole power board and upgrade the connecting wire with silver cable.Of course not DIY la.I paid around HK$1,000 for the whole package.

RamRabbit 發表於 2011-3-20 22:29

Yes, I did change the whole power board and upgrade the connecting wire with silver cable.Of cou ...
bb1668 發表於 2011-3-20 20:29


Wow, $1,000 for the upgrade only!What is the difference after the upgrade?Picture or sound?

bb1668 發表於 2011-3-21 10:09


The improvement after the modification is as follows:-

1.Video: Less noise and the screen appears to be more "clean".Colour is more defined.The edges are visibly sharper. These results are more apparent in my 52" LCD TV.

2.Sound: More dynamic and more details.You can hear more subtle things.

A note of health warning though.The power board modification was coupled with the installation of an external "isolation" transformer.Frankly, I do not know which component does the trick.

lut 發表於 2011-3-21 10:10

Yes, I did change the whole power board and upgrade the connecting wire with silver cable.Of cou ...
bb1668 發表於 2011-3-20 20:29


lut 發表於 2011-3-21 10:13


The improvement after the modification is as follows:-

1.Video: Less noise and the sc ...
bb1668 發表於 2011-3-21 10:09


bb1668 發表於 2011-3-21 12:00

本帖最後由 bb1668 於 2011-3-21 12:01 編輯

Dear lut,

For the modification of the power board, it is very difficult to quantify in terms of improvement.However, as a rough estimate:-

Video::Improved by 15-20%

Audio::Improved by over 20%

I forgot to mention that my N3 was the early batch which did not have the IEC socket.If I want to improve the power cord, I have to pay at least HK$300 for the installation of the IEC socket.In addition, I have to pay, say, an additional HK$700 for the replacement of the original power cord.The total sum was close to HK$1,000 anyway.

The HK$1,000 power board modification includes a good copper power cord (excluding the plug though).So, the budget is really about the same.The only drawback for the power board modification is that the power cord is directly connected to/soldered onthe power board and you cannot just unplug-and-replace the power cord from the unit for future upgrade.

For the external 隔離牛, you can view it as a high quality extension power socket.It costs around HK$4,000 and it has four outputs.It is currently connected with 3 electrical appliances - Media Player N3, DAC and TV.

lut 發表於 2011-3-21 12:20

Dear lut,

For the modification of the power board, it is very difficult to quantify in terms of imp ...
bb1668 發表於 2011-3-21 12:00

It's glad to hear that you got such great improvement.

For the isolated transformer, thanks for your info. But it seems too expensive for me, may be it would be next next next step for my system…

RamRabbit 發表於 2011-3-21 14:31


The improvement after the modification is as follows:-

1.Video: Less noise and the sc ...
bb1668 發表於 2011-3-21 10:09

Thanks bb1668 Ching.That means the original material has lots of noise loss.That's why I found from that they have new improved power supply for 2011 version.

lut 發表於 2011-3-23 23:42


ming 發表於 2011-3-24 11:12




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