Onkyo 608 如何設定出DTS HD 及 Dolby True HD
請問各位 c 兄 :1) Onkyo 608 如何設定出DTS HD 及 Dolby True HD,小弟播 "2012"電影時,套劇有 dts hd, 但 amp 只出 dts.
2) 家中只有5.1 喇叭,沒有7.1,是否不能出 HD 聲音
謝謝 High level steps:
1. blu ray audio track choose DTS-HD
2. Set BU-RAY player to bit-stream
3. Onkyo608 set to DIRECT 要係你部BD player果度教左先呀! 你是不是只用光纤出声, 无用HDMI出啊. 本帖最後由 samnet1 於 2011-3-27 15:30 編輯
I also use Onkyo 608 .
==> In Blu-ray player , set "Bitstream "
==> For the Blu-ray disk, there exist differernt Audio tracks ( e.g. LPCM, DTS-HDMA ...etc ) .When you see the Blu-ray menu, choose DTS-HDMA soundtracks .
What brandname of Blu-ray player that you use ?? ... What brandname of Blu-ray player that you use ??
samnet1 發表於 2011-3-18 14:06 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Sony S350 本帖最後由 carvenk 於 2011-3-18 14:43 編輯
High level steps:
1. blu ray audio track choose DTS-HD
2. Set BU-RAY player to bit-stream
3. Onkyo60 ...
vins007 發表於 2011-3-18 10:45 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
1.見唔到有dts-hd 揀,可能 blu-ray 輸出無揀 bit-stream.
2.今晚返去試試將 bu_ray 揀 bit-stream, 現在好似揀 hdmi 出.
3.onkyo set direct? --- 係 audio sector 揀? 你是不是只用光纤出声, 无用HDMI出啊.
yongzhilu 發表於 2011-3-18 11:48 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
得一條 hdmi 咋! 着哂PCM燈,點會有dtsHD喎 9x9 無選bitstream