回复: 投影架夠擺 JVC DLAX3
塊亞加歴而家巳經曲曲地。。太薄了。買個天花吊架穩陣d 換件長的既膠片 膠片太貴,可以用木板 最終希望你諗得掂...{:6_127:} 回復 7# edlsang我今早用拉呎度,木是長46CM 闊43CM 啊歷啊格膠就長61CM 闊51CM 厚4分
E個架救唔救力? 回復 2# lwk10
索性用個天花吊架好D 今次麻煩了,買了部JVC DLAX3 本想今天上架 , 点知放到部機不夠位插电綫及 hdmi cable ,怎算好? ...
edlsang 發表於 2011-3-17 11:18 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
It is white color, need to order for a while....
The new JVC projector plugs are at the back...it seem it need more space. For my HD550, it is at the side... save space....
Try to use a wall mount, and hopeu can overcome it.... {:6_229:} 多謝大家意見...... 請問有無Ching 知邊到有代客安裝投影工程及調較服務?幫我買 projector 負責店員好似忙得愛理不理。真苦惱.........