請問有無Ching用Canare 4S12F speaker cable?
Is it good? How much per feet and where can i buy?Thanks About 20@ft
Dealer 回復 2# Ep-71
Can ching PM me the address of dealer? thanks it is so expensive in HK. 我之前系淘寶買4S12F,22人仔/米。比起一般線系有改善,低頻改善唔少,比起之前果D平線,可以明顯聽到有改善。唔知你而家D線點樣,如果系淘寶買,可以話系值回票價。 it is so expensive in HK. 我之前系淘寶買4S12F,22人仔/米。比起一般線系有改善,低頻改善唔少,比起之前 ...
sunvar 發表於 2011-3-16 12:10 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
agree. TB is much cheaper. But要小心,好多系流野,買之前多睇多對比 回復Ep-71
Can ching PM me the address of dealer? thanks
hellowong 發表於 2011-3-15 23:32 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
I order from tawain B4 回復 7# Ep-71
Can you show me the link plz
Thank you very much!