黎左 76 做左 CD-ROM 好耐... 忍唔住要買番套享受下...50% 睇戲... 40%音樂... 10%打機...睇左好多貼... 暫時想咁想買... 唔知各位ching ... 有咩意思....thanks...
panasonic tp50v20h
onkyo 608
kef q300
kef q200c
mirage mm8
klipsch RS42
另外... 睇過好多貼都搵唔到 kef 前置...中置用咩喇叭線好...$1000 以下...有咩好選擇呢...
唔該晒各位... 諗住新屋入伙豪一豪佢... thanks 師兄你幾多呎地方玩呀? 約莫150呎啦,希望各位ching 俾下意見。 新手用KEF,哂料的喎! 新手用KEF,哂料的喎!
stinger88 發表於 2011-3-15 12:02 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
PS 絕無惡意...如有不悅請見諒. 本帖最後由 jacklouwy 於 2011-3-15 12:48 編輯
stinger88 發表於 2011-3-15 12:02 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
why you think is 哂料? {:1_342:}
KEF is quite 大衆化啦, and the price is very 入門, like Q300 is selling around $4xxx. 可能對佢嚟講KEF嘅Q系係好高級呢!!!{:1_333:} 回復 3# farm113
其實150呎部amp不如搵陣啲買808啦! 新手用KEF,哂料的喎!
stinger88 發表於 2011-3-15 12:02 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
ching 點解咁講呀{:6_141:} 其實我都想買 808 ... 只係 BUDGET 唔夠... 股市又唔生性...
各位對呢個組合有咩意見... 如果無問題我就出手... 但係線村就仲未決定到... orz