AC Brotherhood DLC2
本帖最後由 大佬John 於 2011-3-12 03:14 編輯內容係 達聞西 紙包雞 事件.
要俾錢 新MP版圖 + 單機, 連埋之前限量版D野...打獲佢..有新成就. 成就撚又中埋...賊竇有得賭錢, 賭撚又中埋.
7HpDSnF8ZOE ms$800....1.4GB 本身隻 Game 都未爆 ... 要努力 {:6_235:} D成就係咪online開, 係就唔鬼買住. 本帖最後由 marcolau 於 2011-3-13 19:50 編輯
D成就係咪online開, 係就唔鬼買住.
大佬John 發表於 2011-3-13 18:48
DLC: The Da Vinci Disappearance
Cost: 800 MSP
Achievements: 10
Points: 250
Strong-Arm 10G
-Throw a Long Weapon, Heavy Weapon, and Smoke bomb more than 10 m at a guard.
High Roller 20G
-Win 10000 florins playing Hazard.
il Principe 100G
-Receive 100% synch in ACB and full synch in all missions of the Da Vinci Disappearance.
Airstrike 20G
-Kill 10 guards with a single arrow storm.
-Complete the Da Vinci Disappearance.
Clowning Around 30G
-Beat up the 5 thirsty harlequins.
Special Delivery 20G
-Double Assassinate from a parachute.
Grand Theft Dressage 20G
-Steal 5 horses from their riders, while remaining on horseback.
Going Up 5G
-Kill a guard with the bag that drops from a lift.
Easy Come, Easy Go 5G
-Pay 500 florins to an orator, then pickpocket him afterward.
故事模式下將追加8個新任務、2個新地點、2個新要素、10個新成就(/獎杯),多人模式下追加2個遊戲模式、 1個新地圖、4名新角色。
等減價先買....^^ 內容係 達聞西 紙包雞 事件.
要俾錢 新MP版圖 + 單機, 連埋之前限量版D野...打獲佢..有新成就. 成就撚又中 ...
大佬John 發表於 2011-3-12 03:10
巳經買左{:6_143:} 明天玩{:6_198:}