小瑟 發表於 2008-7-4 15:33

用 Vista SP1 睇片/睇TV 而 hang 機的,可以試裝 MS 呢個 patch

x86 / x64 版 patch 下載及說明:
Windows Update 沒有提供
其實係 EVR 修正
SP1 的 evr.dll 係 6.0.6001.18000
更新後係 6.0.6001.22164

MS 網的機器翻譯:

問題 1

當您在 Windows Media Center, Live 電視正在監看您將電腦放入待命狀態。 然後, 您繼續 [ 將電腦從待命狀態,及您繼續進行監看電視。 雖然成功啟動之後您繼續 [ 將電腦從待命狀態, 視訊播放視訊播放應用程式會停止大約兩秒鍾後回應 (擱置)。

問題 2

您播放視訊內容, 其中包含多個視訊解析度格式。 例如, 內容包含的同時 1440 ╫ 1080 像素且 1920 ╫ 1080 像素格式。 之後從某種格式內容變更到另一個在這種情況下, 視訊播放應用程式停止轉譯。

例如, 假設, 您播放視訊內容, 您在視訊播放應用程式, 按一下 [ 暫停 ] , 然後您嘗試將滑桿拖曳到右邊的 [ 搜尋 ] 列。 在這種情況下, 您無法拖曳滑桿, 應用程式停止回應。


Issue 1

While you are watching Live TV in Windows Media Center, you put the computer into standby. Then, you resume the computer from standby, and you continue to watch Live TV. Although video playback starts successfully after you resume the computer from standby, the video playback application stops responding (hangs) after about two seconds.

Issue 2

You play video content that contains multiple video resolution formats. For example, the content contains formats of both 1440 × 1080 pixels and 1920 × 1080 pixels. In this situation, the video playback application stops rendering after the content changes from one format to another.

For example, assume that you play the video content, you click Pause in the video playback application, and then you try to drag the slider to the right side of the seek bar. In this situation, you cannot drag the slider, and the application stops responding.

ssss41357 發表於 2008-7-4 18:29

對我黎講,Vista真係冇乜吸引力呀~ XD

anyway,thx~ :D

小瑟 發表於 2008-7-5 00:56

我都唔鐘意用 vista, 不過依家新買果部 notebook用左 vista, 又冇 xp driver, 唯有局用!!!:Q :Q :Q
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