cwyip 發表於 2011-3-21 19:30

5張中文碟已經出o左 $!$% at WW shop, but no kenny g.......

sunboy 發表於 2011-3-21 20:38

回復 41# cwyip

The remaining five albums will be launched later as told by the CD shop-keeper !{:1_263:}

chingki123 發表於 2011-3-21 20:59

only 5 張中文碟 release

cwyip 發表於 2011-3-21 21:09

Thanks sunboy 兄, I just interest kenny g only, my old美版都吾知去左邊啦!

sunboy 發表於 2011-3-22 00:19

回復 44# cwyip

cwyip Hing, you're welcome, I'll let you know when I get the first hand information from CD shop.{:1_263:}

Soundboy 發表於 2011-3-22 02:10

It will be interesting to compare these new K2HD CD versions with the last "Made in Japan" CD versions from about 5 years ago....

sunboy 發表於 2011-3-22 02:37

Oh....five years long.......{:6_194:}

accustic 發表於 2011-3-22 03:22

Soundboy, Compare with 風雨同路, the 5 years old Japan version sound much better then this K2HD.

Soundboy 發表於 2011-3-22 04:08

Oh....five years long.......
sunboy 發表於 2011-3-22 02:37

But the 5 year "Made in Japan" CD versions are still at almost 50% less than the new K2HD CD versions.

Soundboy 發表於 2011-3-22 04:10

Thank you, accustic, that's good to know.
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