wahchan 發表於 2011-3-8 00:09



3DTVs in Korea, rest of the world soon to follow
By Vlad Savov posted Mar 7th 2011 at 9:21AM
We've been keenly tracking the progress of these 3D displays from Samsung, from their pre-CES tease -- where we were first told they were TVs, then monitors, then it turned out they were monitors with optional TV tuners -- through their official launch and now to their first pricing and availability. South Korea is the unsurprising debut market for the 950 and 750 Series, both 27-inchers, discernible by their design, which in the 950's case is asymmetric and in the 750's is all about the thin bezel. A 1,000:1 contrast ratio, 2ms response time, 1080p resolution, and a litany of input ports await the buyer of either one, but he'd better bring a well-fed wallet to this party -- the 27TA950 reportedly costs 890,000 KRW (nearly $800) whereas the 27TA750 is an 840,000 KRW outlay (just over $750). Not exactly value models, but those prices will likely change when the pair go international at some point later this month.

stinger88 發表於 2011-3-22 10:56

ching ,買野唔好貪平, 要睇用途同spec
頁: [1]
查看完整版本: 依個三星27吋,夠吾夠料?

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