gerrard 發表於 2011-3-6 11:35


喺Realtek網頁搵唔到有關資料, 請問1183同1283晶片規格上有何分別, 哪一款較新?

paosis 發表於 2011-3-7 15:19

本帖最後由 paosis 於 2011-3-7 15:21 編輯



The Realtek 1283 / 1073 chipset range appeared in mid 2009 and is clocked at 400mhz. A flood of cheaper Realtek based Media Players arrived through 2009, shaking up the Media Player market. Major players of this generation include Xtreamer, Asus O!Play R1, and ACRyan Play!On. The 1073 and 1283 are the same chip with the same performance, but the 1283 has added capabilities of recording and DTV. The Realtek 1073DA is an early release that is unable to downmix DTS whilst the 1073DD is the most common version and can downmix DTS.

It was revealed in February 2010 that neither the 1073DA, 1073DD, or the 1283 can passthrough (bitstream) Dolby TrueHD or DTS-HD MA. In response to this in early 2010 Realtek started shipping enhanced + versions of it's chips. The 1073DD+ and 1283+ can both passthrough DTS-HD MA and Dolby TrueHD. Some players use a chip that is marked 1073C, 1073C+, or 1283C+. As far as we know these chips are exactly the same as the DD+.

The Realtek RTD 1055, 1085, and 1185 chips are the successors to the 1073 series. All three chips run at 500Mhz so providing a small performance increase. Otherwise the chips offer the same comprehensive format support as the previous generation. The new chips run cooler than the old series, hopefully eliminating the need for cooling fans in some players. All chips run the same Realtek SDK4 Casablanca, offering a much better user experience (aesthetically, added media indexing, thumbnails..) even from the stock SDK.

The Realtek 1055 launched in late 2010 and is a non-network version with limited RAM (only 16MB flash and 128MB DDR). It boots in 7 seconds.

The 1085 and 1185 are due to start shipping in Spring 2011. Both chipsets are network enabled and benefit from the addition of Gigabit networking. The 1085 has 512MB flash RAM, 256MB DDR and an integrated Flash enabled browser. The 1185 has all the features of the 1085 whilst also being DVB-T / PVR capable (so equivilant to the old 1283).

In early 2011 we bagan to see players using a Realtek 1183 chipset. This is a cut-down version of the previous generation 1283 (10/100 LAN, 400Mhz, DVB-T). A Realtek RTD1183 chip passed DivX certification on 01-May-2009 eight days after the 1283 passed the same certification, indicating that the 1183 is fundamentally of the same generation as the 1073/1283.

gerrard 發表於 2011-3-7 15:29

唔該晒! 即係應該選擇1283晶片組嘅機! 暫時見有Xtreamer Pro, 師兄點睇?


taxman123 發表於 2011-3-7 18:36

Please see this :
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