AMP設定喇叭時, 點判斷small定large?
前中後置都可以設定small同large, 其實點決定?只係喇叭大細問題, 定有其他條件? 有冇高手知道? THX! {:6_141:} depends on the range of your speaker's frequency.....if can produce certain range low frequency effectively....then large...otherwise small.... if set to small....certain range of the low frequency will not be produced by that speaker...will be produced by the SW instead..... 基本上set晒去small. 如果前,中置單元有6" 或以上而且又係座地, o米試下large.
如果你個sub 好正又係12", 而前,中置只係一般, 就 set Small.
我覺得睇音樂會 set large (當然個speaker 真係large) 會好D.
movie 無分別。 通常喇叭潛得夠深嘅部amp就會設定成large,相反就Small !!! 明白晒! 多謝ching們指教! {:6_182:} If i set large to small speaker, what is the result?
3Q Ching reply If i set large to small speaker, what is the result?
3Q Ching reply
hellowong 發表於 2011-3-5 21:29
不知EQ 是否有改變,記得重新行一次auto setting 好似我咁, 因我對座地比較厚聲而低音亦算潛得低, 反而個十仔Jamo SUB 800得6.5". 所以前中置我就set "Large", 咁就可以分擔下個十仔既工作 {:6_142:}