spadeace 發表於 2011-3-5 13:05



Mourinho escapes knife attack
March 5, 2011
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By ESPNsoccernet staff
Real Madrid boss Jose Mourinho has survived a knife attack in a Spanish airport which left his bodyguard with a 4cm stab wound.

Mourinho was moving through the La Coruna airport and signing autographs for Real fans last Friday when a man armed with a knife approached.

One of the Mourinho's minders thought he had been punched by the attacker as they moved through the crowd before discovering a wound near his armpit when they boarded the team bus.

Mourinho was only told about the full extent of the incident on Friday, a week after it happened. Police are investigating the attack using security camera footage from the airport.

El Periodico reported: "Mourinho stopped to sign autographs in arrivals, where a large number of Madrid fans were waiting for the team. The bodyguard was near the manager and noticed he had been stabbed in the armpit. Mourinho was very worried by the incident."

The club said it suspects the attack was intended for Mourinho. It will arrange increased security around its coach while police look into the matter.

qqsnk 發表於 2011-3-5 14:37


kalok6 發表於 2011-3-5 14:51


raymond430 發表於 2011-3-5 15:31


發表於 2011-3-6 13:30

raymond430 發表於 2011-3-5 15:31

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