去美國 Oppo 網上直購BDP-95保養條款一問!
連日來,有不少Oppo知音人,都很想弄清楚有關從香港去到美國 Oppo 網站上直購BDP-95後的保養事項,所以本人已去信美國Oppo 總部查證.以下是Oppo的官方回應:
From: "OPPO Service"
We normally do not ship to Hong Kong. If a customer orders with the offline order form, we will contact the customer to let him/her know about the region lock and warranty risks. Our warranty only applies in the US, although we try our best to help overseas customers. In case your player in Hong Kong needs service, you may incur shipping cost to get the player to our US service center. If any onsite service happened before for Hong Kong customers, it was only because we happened to have engineers traveling through Hong Kong. There is no guarantee that it will happen again.
We recommend that you contact some local dealers to see if any carries the BDP-95.
Best Regards,
Customer Service
OPPO Digital, Inc.
2629B Terminal Blvd.
Mountain View, CA 94043
Tel: 650-961-1118
Fax: 650-961-1119
其實點樣直接同 OPPO Digital US o個邊買呢?因為我見佢個官網都無得選香港, 最近都只有日本; 而且郵費亦不清楚如何算....