rinko 發表於 2011-3-5 22:44

回復 39# leo25


djaddy 發表於 2011-3-6 05:39

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2011-3-6 05:48 編輯


    個音箱係YAHOO拍賣到搵返.我只係買左個箱喇叭同AMP就唔買. ...
rinko 發表於 2011-3-5 22:42 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

Have you done the calculations rather your black box matches the requirements of your driver? Simply putting the 10" or 12" driver into any box will have sound. However, in order to optimise the performance of your speaker driver, the volume of the "box" must be calculated to the specifications of the driver.

Pls reder to the below information.


"    Calculating Speaker Enclosure Volume
    As you already know, for speakers (especially woofers) to work properly, they must be in the proper size enclosure. The manufacturer can give you the required enclosure volume but can't give the exact dimensions of an enclosure that will work in all vehicles. So that you can build an enclosure of the proper size for your vehicle, this page will explain how you calculate the total volume of the enclosure.

Magic number:
    OK... It's not magic but the number is 1728. If you forget it, just remember that the number is 12 inches * 12 inches * 12 inches. 12*12*12=1728.

Square or Rectangular Enclosures:
    These boxes are the easiest to calculate the internal volume. You simply measure the height, width and depth (in inches), multiply them together and then divide that number by 1728. If the box has internal measurements of 6" high*18" wide*12" deep then the volume of the box is 1296/1728=.75 ft^3. The diagram below shows how you would measure the dimensions of the box.   Calculating Speaker Enclosure Volume
    As you already know, for speakers (especially woofers) to work properly, they must be in the proper size enclosure. The manufacturer can give you the required enclosure volume but can't give the exact dimensions of an enclosure that will work in all vehicles. So that you can build an enclosure of the proper size for your vehicle, this page will explain how you calculate the total volume of the enclosure.

Magic number:
    OK... It's not magic but the number is 1728. If you forget it, just remember that the number is 12 inches * 12 inches * 12 inches. 12*12*12=1728.

Square or Rectangular Enclosures:
    These boxes are the easiest to calculate the internal volume. You simply measure the height, width and depth (in inches), multiply them together and then divide that number by 1728. If the box has internal measurements of 6" high*18" wide*12" deep then the volume of the box is 1296/1728=.75 ft^3. The diagram below shows how you would measure the dimensions of the box. "

rinko 發表於 2011-3-6 07:36


xxijixx 發表於 2011-10-27 23:40

回復 1# rinko


R.C. 發表於 2011-10-28 01:29

ching 有無諗過試下屋企全套 AV 都 diy ? {:6_235:}

rinko 發表於 2011-10-31 17:14

回復 44# xxijixx


rinko 發表於 2011-10-31 17:18

回復 46# orpheuslau

    哈哈.....THX晒你喇師兄 其實現在已經好利害啦!再勁D我睇怕唔使住{:6_192:}
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