Today一入!HITMAN Returns-David Foster & Jumper
本帖最後由 timchan 於 2011-3-4 01:05 編輯HITMAN Returns-David Foster
見好多人都入HITMAN Returns,咁就買下啦!今次BD+CD都係賣$135,好抵玩!上次都隻HITMAN我都有買,仲睇/聽咗好多次!
而入隻Jumper,係之前睇過,又覺得個故仔ok,加上只係賣$99!決定一入! 我覺得jumper個特技好得...風景好靚...對我來說:必入。 今次 HiMan Returns...D 歌同明星冇上次咁正..
最正系 All-4-one..
"菲女"又 技騖四座...
第二首歌 special for her to show "call lee"..
however little too much to "show off" Jumper is good with the main character as Skywalker in Starwars I-III.. but seem he did not perform in other MOVIES after these. Jumper 好正架,係好野來{:1_351:} 回復 1# timchan
之前信和地庫日本版$ 90
好睇{:1_351:} {:1_351:} 兩隻都仲未有時間試,星期日先一炮過試! jumper入得好, 我都覺得特技唔錯, 雖然個故仔last係有d問題, 但都幾新鮮, 好睇. jumper入得好, 我都覺得特技唔錯, 雖然個故仔last係有d問題, 但都幾新鮮, 好睇. ...
Hon 發表於 5/3/2011 02:08 AM