膽机配銀線現用CANARE 4S10F 1出2去speakers. 心思思想玩speaker cable.
聽說銀線 (或鍍銀線) 聲比較快, 高音比較出, 心想用來配胆機是不是好的選擇? 或用回銅線較適合呢?
也想知道如不關機,只turn volume to minimum下, 換speaker cable 有冇機會弄壞部amp. 因網上說"開/関"時的電流對胆是不好的,
會影响壽命! 故想換線時弄細vol 而不關機, 可以嗎?
Thx 回復 1# chanwt
師兄點解唔換左線先再開機呢? was thinking to switch the cable for AB test.. so may switch back and fro several times..
I remember I saw the shop did not switch off the amp but just turn down the volume when do the speaker cable when they do the demo..( I hope I remember right) but not too sure, so wanna confirm here with chings before I make a big stupid mistake! 好多年前喺某某音響店試聽兩對喇叭,店員無熄機就咁換線,本嚟聽緊部機,突然整極都無咗一邊聲,用第二部機就無事,唔好試 For your reference :
Never, never, never run the amp with no speaker plugged in. This can cause major damage.
Do not flip the power switch off, then back on rapidly. This can cause power supply damage. Never do that, this may damage your speakers. {:1_330:} Really?? it will damage my speakers even with the vol turns down to minmum???
I see I see! Thx! 配唔配銀線呢個問題, 仲要睇下你係同咩喇叭
配唔配銀線呢個問題, 仲要睇下你係同咩喇叭
I am using Spendor S20 speaker. 今天試了借來的銀speaker cable.
跟我的Canare 4S10F 平線比較下, 條銀線音墻真係濶了.
中高音的確係响d. 人聲相對下似係企後咗少少.
但我都係鍾意Canare 的人聲, 会唔会銅線的關係呢C hings???
現想upgrade 係speaker cable, 本來想係網上定Chord 的Odyssey 2 鍍銀銅線.
1/ 鍍銀銅線 聲似銀線定銅線多d 呢?
2/ 想找條唔太尖(聽人聲) 但想音場濶d的線, 有冇好提議??
3/ BDP 去DAC 的同軸也想一齊換又點玩先好呢?
幾千一條線就玩唔起, 亦未夠班,Budget 如約$3000 左右有乜選擇呢?