REAC 發表於 2011-3-2 13:29

Nikon D800/D400/D4 傳聞 (傳真:D5100 Body:$5,780, 18-55mm:$6,780)

本帖最後由 REAC 於 2011-4-13 21:52 編輯



"D5100是D5000機型的繼任者,它在Nikon 單反産品綫中列在D3100和D7000之間,整體定位類似于佳能60D。像素值在1400萬和1620萬之間,可以實現1080p視頻拍攝,包含一個可活動的LCD組件。關於 D5100 的規格,應該會與 D3100 或 D7000 其中一款的相同,但猜測採用和 D3100 相同的 1400萬像素 APS-C 感光元件機會無疑會更大一些。至於何時正式發表呢,預測會是三月的第一週"


ozonehk 發表於 2011-3-2 13:59

good...正想用$6000 {:6_174:}

horace_tsang 發表於 2011-3-2 14:19


mike384 發表於 2011-3-2 15:12

horace_tsang 發表於 2011-3-2 14:19

    雖然未發表唔敢講, 但作為D5000後繼機, 斷估都唔會有.

Coker 發表於 2011-3-2 15:26

ozonehk 發表於 2011-3-2 13:59


jay148 發表於 2011-3-2 17:28


kalok6 發表於 2011-3-2 19:54

Coker 發表於 2011-3-2 15:26
{:6_193:} {:6_193:}

REAC 發表於 2011-3-2 21:59

我唔識, 如果有部機有以下功能, 我會即買:
D90 and D5000 咁上下functions!
D3100 的1080p movie, 再加 auto focus
D5000 的活動LCD, 加3" LCD
D7000, 甚至D90已下的價錢!
->>所以我真的期待D5100 (假如它是真的){:6_237:}

PS: However, my dream camera is D700!{:6_240:}

REAC 發表於 2011-3-3 20:18

本帖最後由 REAC 於 2011-3-3 21:45 編輯

嘩好多新機啊, 有新消息:{:6_142:}


Nikon D5100

Nikon D5100 Release Date: As the Nikon entry level digital cameras 2011, it is rumored that Nikon D5100 is likely to be released around 10th March.

Nikon D5100 Feature: 16.2MP sensor from the Nikon D7000; 11 AF points just like the Nikon D3100 and the D5000; D5000-like body and controls; EN-EL14 battery; Rotated LCD screen; 1080P HD video recording.

Nikon D800

Nikon D800 Feature: 18-24 million pixels sensor; new Nikon FX high resolution sensor fabbed by Sony; 8 frames / s continuous shooting speed at least; 100% view filed; rotated LCD; Nikon D7000 2016 CCD photometry sensor; 1080P Full HD video capture; up to ISO 102400; photos scoring function.

Nikon D400

Nikon D400 Feature: The D7000 16mp sensor, but with faster frame rates (both still and video); A new focus sensor, likely a derivative of the D4's; 1080P/24/25/30, 720P/24/25/30/60; Hard core pro body (more gasketing, probably integrated grip); Integrated GPS; EN-EL15 battery.

Nikon D4

Nikon D4 Feature: new Nikon 18mp sensor with at least D3-like capability, maybe better; completely new AF system; better metering system (upgraded from D7000); Hard core video features (perhaps even 1080P/60); Integrated GPS; USB 3.0; Updated UDMA specs; Intel Light Peak.


firework8hk 發表於 2011-3-3 22:33

chING! U really into Nikon Brand, any model u are interested ?
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查看完整版本: Nikon D800/D400/D4 傳聞 (傳真:D5100 Body:$5,780, 18-55mm:$6,780)

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