Naim CD5X & CD5XS 一問
想問下咁多位用緊Naim 既師兄..CD5X 和 CD5XS 除左舊和新款外, 有乜野功能上既分別..
本人喜歡Naim 既音樂感, 唔知夾唔夾Lux507...因為所有鋪頭都無得同場比較..
Thanks..{:6_162:} 5XS多左數碼輸出, 其餘分別不大。
回复: Naim CD5X & CD5XS 一問
icic....tks!发送自我的 Nexus One 大板凳 上星期見 CD5XS 威達 cwb showroom sale: $19.8k, 而加唔知仲有無
但你唔諗住個CDP會做Transport再加DAC, 買2手5X化算d~
我無記錯既話,旺角音響有luxman同naim, 睇下佢肯唔肯駁你聽下?
未試過唔敢講~ 回復 2# PP-HK
係指功能上分別唔大,定係連音質,音色等分別都唔大? 回復 4# Nan7yo
Ching..when did u buy yr CD5X..what is the different with 5i? 回復PP-HK
stephen915 發表於 2011-3-1 16:28
同上面位ching所述一樣, 如果唔諗住用佢做transport, 唔駛買5xs。 Heard from the agent that the Naim DAC has the 555 DAC chip (or similar). So buying CD5XS can have more flexibility in the upgrade path. 回復Nan7yo
Ching..when did u buy yr CD5X..what is the different with 5i?
wwwbrian 發表於 2011-3-1 17:49
Actually I bought 2nd hand from another CHing 1 year ago.
5i is Naim entry level under i-series, it's a very good CDP and match well with Nait 5i.
Where 5XS is 1 level higher (XS-series)
Not counting sound quality/taste/material etc, what functions 5XS do better:
HDCD decoder
Power upgradable (5XS: flatcap / hicap / powerline; 5i: powerline only)
Work as transport (for Naim DAC or any other DAC)
To me, power upgrade path is important, the improvement is very obvious and that's why I added flatcap to my system.
Pros and Cons of Naim: if you pay more, it really brings you to next level. And you will use the whole set even speaker cables (suitable for lazy people with no extra money to test different cables) Heard from the agent that the Naim DAC has the 555 DAC chip (or similar). So buying CD5XS can have m ...
ekylam 發表於 2011-3-1 21:57
True~ If budget is not a concern, pay $6-8k more (comparing 5X & 5XS 2nd hand) to buy CD5XS will allow you to upgrade -> add Naim Dac ($23000) to the system, and sure it will be a huge improvement.
Even better, you can also consider CDX2 version 2~ don't try or you can't go back XD