oakleigh 發表於 2011-3-1 09:35

BUFFALO WHR-G300N 網路分享問題

我用呢一隻router, 咁我有4部pc, 2x windows 7, 2x winXP 2個用wire, 2個wireless, 大家都上到web, ping 到隻 router.
用LAN個兩部pc可以share file, 但LAN個兩部pc見唔到, 又ping 唔到wireless個兩部pc
有冇人可以help 我呀我只係想 share file 同埋 VNC 咋. Thanks

阿定 發表於 2011-3-1 10:26

改用更高的 wireless security

hkboy 發表於 2011-3-1 10:43

BUFFALO WHR-G300N 網路分享問題


weeweewetwet 發表於 2011-3-1 10:45

1. can wireless pc ping to wired pc?
2. do you ping by IP or PC name from wired PC to wireless ones?
3.Check Windows Firewall.
4.Please specific more on all PC in details (with OS version, wired/wireless) and it would be easier to troubleshoot.

oakleigh 發表於 2011-3-1 13:49

2 using win xp
2 using windows7
if all pc plug on LAN, can share and ping each others...but now only LAN group or wireless group PC can connected each others ..

oakleigh 發表於 2011-3-1 13:50

I am quite sure it is something related to router security or configuration ...
Any ching using the same AP can give me some hints

阿定 發表於 2011-3-1 16:22



oakleigh 發表於 2011-3-3 17:37

Problem solved, there is a feature called "separate feature" in order to let all the internal package go through the router, this feature must be off. Thanks everyone for helping{:1_351:}

ffung82 發表於 2011-5-9 10:48

我都係用呢個ROUTER, 但有WIRED PCS 之間都不能SHARE FILES, 最慘係時得時唔得, 唔知乜野問題~~

oakleigh 發表於 2011-5-10 21:00

what operation system are you using?
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