syeah 發表於 2011-2-28 23:30


本帖最後由 syeah 於 2011-2-28 23:38 編輯

琴日大大話話試o左10幾套機,基本上20K 度 budget o既機都比我試晒

以下少少個人聽後感,有錯勿插,{:6_235:} 包括:

馬仔15s2: 分析力極高,有感情,耐聽,人聲又暖又出,但稍欠空氣感

Pioneer D9/A9 MK1: 分析力一段,控制力差,無feel,唔得

Pioneer D9/A9 MK2: To my surprise, 同mk1 完全唔同,分析力大升,依然無乜感情,聲底比較清,每粒音都聽得好清楚。

Audiolab 8000s/8000CD: 唔比15s2 差好多,但好有感情,甚至比15s2 更有feel。當然,15s2 音域、分析力等都大勝,始終唔同級數

Cary cdp1/ca1: 禁多套機裡面我老婆評價最高o既,有現場感,空間感高,有感情,整體感覺贏Pioneer D9。轉埋用平衡,更上一層樓

Audiolab 8200A/8200CD: 一開聲有d失望,但再聽,咦,音色好得o黎有層次,分析力高,有感情,好有feel,音場定位一流,我老婆都話:「好似唱比你聽」。試機環境較差,未必試得真… 而且因為8200a無平衡輸入,用唔盡部8200CD

Musical Fidelity m3: 唔得,唔洗再講

Naim UnitiServe: 麻麻,聲有d亂,聲底幾厚,都唔錯

Naim CD5i, 5i2:奇怪,音質唔好最好,但極和諧,聽得非常舒服,機仔竟然出到同d中檔機接近的音色。但呢部機o向代理試,環境同喇叭(Proac SC1) 都比較好,較量未必公平

由於o向5 、6間鋪頭試機,環境,喇叭等等都好唔同,每部機都聽得一陣,未必聽得真


Nan7yo 發表於 2011-3-1 00:03


Other than how it sounds, sometimes I will also consider the outlook of the HiFi. For example Black hifi may not suits your living room with most of the furnitures in white.Also what speakers, size, where it made from, re-sell value, attitude of sales etc...

Wish you can find the HiFi you like :-)

- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用

syeah 發表於 2011-3-1 00:53

Other than how it sounds, sometimes I will also consider the outlook of the HiFi. For example Black...
Nan7yo 發表於 2011-3-1 00:03

u tell my heart man

The reason I go to try Naim is the outlook

but I find out that their sound is not bad at all~

despite its little stuff got inside

pp101 發表於 2011-3-1 02:16

C兄,你末講Yamaha cds2000喎!

ekylam 發表於 2011-3-1 05:37

For Naim, even going to some high end series they won't be very big in size. But there're plenty options to upgrade esp the power (cap) part. To me Naim is playing naturally, very musical and strengthful (talking about XS + CD5XS)

I don't the color of the machines... in the past I had Onkyo and Denon which are in gold now replaced by Pioneer and Naim which are all black. To me doesn't matter.

sanlamsan 發表於 2011-3-1 09:13

Audiolab 8200CD

ADA 發表於 2011-3-1 09:33

我之前去試機, 試二部就畀sales哥哥問...點呀啱唔啱呀, 啱就計個實價畀你...
根本無心情最試第三部. 有一間音響舖重利害, 佢話我地唔係畀你地試聲, 而係畀你地試部機著唔著!

alfredmyc 發表於 2011-3-1 10:31

ching 你d comment 好好呀.
其實香港有冇creek destiny 賣架? 雜誌講到好勁. 但唔知質素如何.

kalok6 發表於 2011-3-1 10:37

我之前去試機, 試二部就畀sales哥哥問...點呀啱唔啱呀, 啱就計個實價畀你.. ...
ADA 發表於 2011-3-1 09:33

syeah 發表於 2011-3-1 10:48


Audiolab 8200CD

又可以當dac 用

- 發送自我的 iPhone
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