Soundboy 發表於 2011-3-16 05:25

X2, I'm trying to save up some hard earned cash. and not wasted to else format. AMCD 1st pick ...
accustic 發表於 2011-3-16 05:17

This is just my guess....

The titles released as part of the 華納+EMI金唱片復刻王CD系列 will not get re-released on AMCD.Same for the other way around....meaning titles released on AMCD will not get re-released as part of the 華納+EMI金唱片復刻王CD系列.

As for Danny Chan, I think all of his albums will be re-released in the 2 series.

Again, just my guess.

sunboy 發表於 2011-3-21 00:27

我都買左隻 林珊珊,因為想聽"霧夜"
KING 發表於 2011-3-13 22:03

    我都想買番隻林珊珊,請問師兄呢隻D聲得唔得,唔係指好靚聲果隻,係想知會唔會有接近舊版CD嘅質數{:1_342:} ?

KING 發表於 2011-3-21 00:33

我都想買番隻林珊珊,請問師兄呢隻D聲得唔得,唔係指好靚聲果隻,係想知會唔會有接近舊版CD嘅質數{:1_3 ...
sunboy 發表於 2011-3-21 00:27


sunboy 發表於 2011-3-21 00:45


Soundboy 發表於 2011-3-22 07:35

本帖最後由 Soundboy 於 2011-3-22 07:38 編輯

I just received at work 4 more CDs from the 華納+EMI金唱片復刻王CD系列.I'm surprised at the "not so good" printing quality of the covers.I don't expect "excellent" print quality, like from a Japanese CD, but the 4 CDs I just received seem especially "not so good".I look at earlier CDs from this series and they seem to have better print quality.

Also, I am surprised that a big music company don't keep digital files of their old record covers.I think my US$50.00 Epson scanner/printer can do a better job.Don't tell me that a company like Warner Music has to go buy an used LP and scan the cover to be used as a cover for a reissue CD.

doubleA 發表於 2011-3-22 12:51

本帖最後由 doubleA 於 2011-3-22 13:53 編輯

I just received at work 4 more CDs from the 華納+EMI金唱片復刻王CD系列.I'm surprised at the "not s ...
Soundboy 發表於 2011-3-22 08:35

sunboy 發表於 2011-3-22 13:37

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