firework8hk 發表於 2011-2-28 12:16

Dinner At "FINDS Restaurant & Bar"

"FINDS" stands for Finland, Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden.

minimoai 發表於 2011-2-28 12:42

花火兄,哩餐應該唔會平喎{:6_238:} .... 幾錢走人呀?

firework8hk 發表於 2011-2-28 14:10

花火兄,哩餐應該唔會平喎 .... 幾錢走人呀?
minimoai 發表於 2011-2-28 12:42

    Around HK$400 to 500.00 per head but not including drink, u can bring your own wine and 開瓶費 is around HK$250

minimoai 發表於 2011-2-28 14:15

Around HK$400 to 500.00 per head but not including drink, u can bring your own wine and 開瓶 ...
firework8hk 發表於 2011-2-28 14:10
I wanna try the Salmon six ways ...... but 400 - 500 is a bit pricey {:6_126:}

firework8hk 發表於 2011-2-28 14:21

why not!!! we all work hard for the money!!!! u should treat yourself very well! just try it! U will love it !

firework8hk 發表於 2011-2-28 14:22

The salmon was cooked in six different ways including cold smoked, seared, mousse, pickled, gravad lax, and roe. I particularly enjoyed the gravad lax cooking style.

happylui 發表於 2011-2-28 22:28

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