coody 發表於 2011-2-27 22:28

平貴AV AMP分別係邊

我現在用緊ONKYO TX-SR308係最平,我問我個誠實sale平貴有乜分別,佢話係5.1 同7.1和多些HDMI輸入,對音效不會有太大分別.我話想可以用黎聽埋歌,佢就叫我平平地用$2300買這部機用黎睇戲,有錢再用多二千多元買一部用黎聽歌,好過買一部四五千元的AV AMP.真的嗎?

samnet1 發表於 2011-2-27 22:34

本帖最後由 samnet1 於 2011-2-28 11:08 編輯

我現在用緊ONKYO TX-SR308係最平,我問我個誠實sale平貴有乜分別,佢話係5.1 同7.1和多些HDMI輸入,對音效不會 ...
coody 發表於 2011-2-27 22:28

e.g. Onkyo 608
Higher Output Power + THX Select 2 Plus Certified + HDMI® 1.4a + HDMI Video Upscaling to 1080p

chanwt 發表於 2011-2-27 22:40

Use a separate amp for music is definitively an alternative but the connection can be very troublesome,especially when you have to share the same pair of speaker!

hellowong 發表於 2011-2-27 22:42

本帖最後由 hellowong 於 2011-2-27 22:45 編輯

Expensive AMP will more heavy than cheap AMP, Since the Tranformer is better.

coody 發表於 2011-2-27 22:46

我部機有三個制(movie/music/game)我禁黎禁去都出唔到DOBLY或DTS等,只有direct/mono/multich/tv logic/all ch st/T-D等,咁我就用direct,我係BDP揀聲效,通常都有DTS5.1,咁係咪部AMP用direct咁就係跟碟出DTS,我未見過有碟會有7.1揀,咁就算部AMP係7.1,咁碟無係唔係就最多只可以出到7.1?

chanwt 發表於 2011-2-27 22:55

That is difference when you select the effect from the BDP, in such case, you are using the BDP built-in decoder.

Are u using the HDMI cable for to connect the BDP and your amp? If yes, then make sure your BDP is set to output bitstream signal via the HDMI cable.
And I believe yur amp when receive the DTS and or DD signal it can recognize it and decode it! You should not need to select the (movie/music/game) selector, those are for 2 channel stereo signal.

coody 發表於 2011-2-27 23:00

Use a separate amp for music is definitively an alternative but the connection can be very troubleso ...
chanwt 發表於 2011-2-27 22:40


coody 發表於 2011-2-27 23:07

回復 6# chanwt

    我係SONY S470 BDP HDMI接 ONKYO AMP再出電視,我係BDP可以AUDIO揀,其實每套戲都有幾隻唔同語言連聲道揀,咁我AMP好似一定要揀一個制式.我可以點做?

chanwt 發表於 2011-2-27 23:19

You were simply playing different sound channel in the BD. nothing related to decoding.
Your amp should recognize the encoding method of the signal anyway.

If you sure you have select the DTS sound track at eh BDP and cannot get it decoded by your Amp. You may want to re-study the manual of the Amp. and make sure if there are any connection or settings are missed!
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