AV 影院之選擇... MK MOVIE 5.1 與 Bose AM 10
因為小弟是住在澳門,而澳門並冇AV既SHOW ROOM,所以好難聽到兩者,再作比較.大家覺得MK MOVIE 5.1 效果怎樣?與Bose AM 10比較那個會好D?(只用睇戲,不計聽歌)還有我想問問MK MOVIE 5.1 與 Bose AM 10 在港的價格? 回復 1# raycheang
點解唔去香港聽下呢?我遲D會過香港聽下MK因為我都考慮緊買MK750 效果...我會選MK MOVIE 5.1 快狠準..........
美觀...我會選Bose AM 10 i'm using M&K K-15 (5pc) & M&K KX-10, no regret for watch movie but for musical ..........{:1_260:} bose 唔好諗 淨計音效bose同mk差10條街
聽過你就知 我想問MK movie係香港賣幾錢? i'm using M&K K-15 (5pc) & M&K KX-10, no regret for watch movie but for musical ..........
smallfatsheep 發表於 2011-2-27 20:27 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
buy 2CH amp and speaker la {:6_238:} Bose AM 10 = 家私 .{:6_192:} Current user of Bose AM15.It sounds good for movie but poor for stereo.