回覆: 加15%首次登記稅
XXYZ#@$啱啱訂咗部新車,睇怕都要貴幾皮先落得樓發送自我的 GT-I9000 大板凳 Get the most update tax rate from HK government homepage,
Private cars
a. the first $150,000 of taxable value 40%
b. on the next $150,000 75%
c. on the next $200,000 100%
d. on the remainder 115%
Motor cycles and motor tricycles 35%
a. Goods vehicles, other than van-type light goods vehicles (LGV) 15%
b. Van-type LGV not exceeding 1.9 tonnes permitted gross vehicle weight:
i. on the first $150,000 35%
ii. on the next $150,000 65%
iii. on the remainder 85%
c. Van-type LGV exceeding 1.9 tonnes permitted gross vehicle weight 17%
Taxis, Light buses, Buses and Special purpose vehicles 3.7% 呢個"正苦"真係XYZ#@%&)@ Good News!
Audi A7、A1 及 A4 抗稅優惠 ( 只限本週六、日海運車展 )
政府提高私家車首次登記稅,令許多計劃擁有第一部 Audi 或換車的車迷卻步。Audi Hong Kong 決定推出抗稅優惠以協助大家購得心頭好,於車展期間推出超優惠價,其中: 1. A7 享有 $20,000 首批購車優惠及免費選配電索門! 2. A1 1.4 Attraction 只售 $219,000( 新稅價 $273,000 )! 3. A4 更享有 $60,000 購車優惠! 所有優惠只限本周末車展,萬勿錯失良機! 依家好多車展都借呢個位做優惠, 所謂有危就有機呢~~~