想升級一下目前的CONFIGMarantz SR6003
Marantz PM8003
Marantz CD5003----->Marantz ki pearl lite/SA15S2
Pioneer 51FD
Wharfadale 9.2 ----->??????
KEF 5.1
到低先升CD機還是喇叭好 手頭只有7K
CD機方面就一定係馬仔 不是KI PEARL LITE就係15S2
星期1-5聽歌 星期6-7睇BD
求各CHING比D意見{:6_190:} 7k looking for second hand 咁係咪書架喇叭呀? 係書架喇叭呀 Ching why do you think you want to upgrade the speakers? You don't like the sound currently played? Personally I think, unless the speakers are too old or too low level, upgrade CDP or Amp should bring the best out of the speakers. S520同我對wharfadale 9.2唔差得幾多巴 如果夾馬仔嘅就Epos , Spendor 同 Dali 啦!!! Thank av兄
我去聴聴 如果夾馬仔嘅就Epos , Spendor 同 Dali 啦!!!
avlam 發表於 2011-2-23 13:42 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
重有Monitor Audio都ok嫁!!!