認同導演兄所講, 如果唔係影高速題材, 上D3S係感覺上o既滿足大於實用上o既滿足~
我所講o既感覺上o既滿足包括.....快門聲好聽好多由其是開連拍果D機關槍聲, 攞上手果個質感因為好墜手.......等等~
我都用緊D3冇S, 當時未有D700, 家陣都成日心思思想落番D700, 因為D3實在太重, 但係上過頂就唔願落番黎, 有時都覺得自己好膚淺~ {:6_146:} 我由canon 1d4 to d3s ,個iso真係好得吓 High ISO perforamance of this camera is really good! I found the camera deal with the light extremely well in terms of the quality of details in shadows, but also maintaining quality and detail in area of highlight.If under the extreme light source. (e.g. in the dimmest of light). Previously i would never appreciate or enjoy that small quality and quantity of light. But i would never think about shooting it.Now i am trying it and shooting it. And some of the results are amazing in terms of the quality.The camera makes the skin tones very even, The rotation into shadows,from light to shadow is smooth. The highlight and shadows are very smooth and very continuous. 本帖最後由 happylui 於 2011-2-22 23:33 編輯