wally 發表於 2011-5-4 22:50

回復 47# avlam

Wa.... looks very 正 bor... {:6_128:} , how much is that?

Actually after having this A3X, I'm really tempted to change my current front speakers in living room to A7X or A9X. But not sure if I pay the same $$$ for Adam's series to buy normal passive speakers + 後級, which one will be better?

wally 發表於 2011-5-4 23:06

回復 48# 阿風

Sorry, if I mislead you before. At the very beginning, I've a cheap cheap Creative X-Fi sound card, before I got the A3X. And actually, my very original intension is to find a speaker that can work with my PC as well as iPod, so that I don't need to turn on another PC to listen to music while I'm working with my office PC. So, my original expectation is really low. But the sound quality surprise me a lot when I use the speaker with the Creative X-Fi. So, at the end, I only play from my iPod directly for a few time.

And as most of you here, after reading lots of post in this 76 site, I was tempted to try out a DAC and use the Coaxial connection directly from my Asus motherboard. The improvement is significantly better than RCA output directly from my Creative X-Fi. But if you compare that with a better sound card, the gap may not be that large. But I would say, having a DAC output to the speaker must be better that output from the soundcard, as your DAC is a proper musical equipment with individual power, much lower noise and much better power than your sound card. Also, after I changed to DAC, I changed from RCA connection to XLR, its even better.

... in future, my upgrade the power cords for all speakers & DAC for further improvement, then upgrade the PC again, then upgrade the speakers... then upgrade the DAC... upgrade the cords..... forever and ever..... but first of all, need to think about how to upgrade my wallet so that I can pay for all these {:6_141:}

yuenmichael 發表於 2011-5-5 00:57

Good Speaker!!

pcs 發表於 2011-5-31 16:28

Very good!
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用

babuwa 發表於 2011-6-1 00:53

Ching really have taste!!{:6_195:}{:6_196:}

jy00747164 發表於 2011-6-1 04:14


googleli 發表於 2011-6-1 10:53


ykluk 發表於 2011-6-1 23:44

我都買咗a3x 2個星期, 買o個陣o係ssp聯x都試過加過胆前試, 聽歌o個陣o的空間感同感情都多咗 {:6_128:}
暫時電腦->topping d2->a3x, 線同pc乜都未換住, 諗住煲下先 {:6_183:} 又要儲下錢先 {:6_206:}
大家有咩rca同pc線介紹呢? diy都得架, 我都想試下 {:6_179:}
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