pchan3933 發表於 2011-2-18 14:10

新人, 身痕

I do not know much about AV but was attracted by those 5.1 AV system when shopping around Fortxxs. Broadxxy etc...However, for those 套裝機, they are economical but I really do not appreciate the music effect.
Then I started to reading this forum, I was learning and gaining bit by bit.Due to space and budget issue, I tend to shop around some 入門級equipment.As my TV table is just good enough for the 42" TV, so there's size contraint on the front speakers.
Recently, I bought a second hand blue ray disc player Panasonic BD60 from a nice C-hing; then next I am looking for AMP and Speakers.
I was introduced to have Yamaha RX-V467 and a pair of Scandyna Micropod.My 身痕 questions are as below:
1)I am not planning to have all 5.1 at this moment (renovation, wiring etc...so may be next stage)
2)Is the above AMP and Speakers compatible, okay (I am 70% music/30% movie, living room is about 10'x10')
3)Due to table space, front speakers must in small size, so Micropod is one of my choice.
4)However, remember some C-Hing said Micropod do not have any 低音 (or he said the 低音 is not strong), so any other suggestion for a small pair of front speakers.
5)Will it have some surround effects while watching movie by using the above AMP and Micropod?
6)I can add centre speaker, but since I am not having subwoofer and rear speakers, would u suggest me to add or not.
All your advices are appreciated.

mho_168 發表於 2011-2-18 16:15

C hings, correct me if I'm wrong, but:
First, consider what you're willing to spend on this system.
With the size of your room, I think you can have better options on speakers (Bookshelf speakers. eg: KEF, B&W, or even Triangle)
If you really want stong 低, use subwoofer. Don't expect any bookshelf size speakers to provide strong 低音
but like I said, what are you willing to pay ???

pchan3933 發表於 2011-2-18 16:25

Tks C-Hing for your input.
Maybe I did not make it clear.There's no space next to my TV table.The constraint is my TV table size which almost just fit my 42" TV thus I could only have space for very slim front speakers say not more than 6-7" in width.
Subwoofer, as I do not want to have heavy renovation to wire rear speakers; so are you saying that I can only add subwoofer as to increase the 低音.   Which 入門級subwoofer would you recommend, small size prefer too.Budget is around 5-6 k for amp/ front speakers (and subwoofer too if it helps)
Thank you

pchan3933 發表於 2011-2-18 17:05

本帖最後由 pchan3933 於 2011-2-18 17:06 編輯

I am planning to go to MK this evening to visit Yau Shxng as to look for my 入門級 equipments; I would like to fine tune my questions:
1) any shop would u suggest
2) Yamaha RX-V467 plus Mircopod, okay?any other suggestion. (70% music)
3) As I do not intend to add rear speakers, would any C-Hing give me suggestion as to build up more "surround effect" while watching movie?
4) If adding subwoofer (but again, no rear speakers), would this help to build up the "surround effect"
5) Or any other suggestions; to conclude my expectation: 環境上不許可rear speakers, but want to have a set of AV equipment tohave surround effect while watching movie....
I hope I am not creating confusion and would appreciate all your friendly inputs.Thank you very much.

pchan3933 發表於 2011-2-18 21:39

Did not go to MK tonight as would like to gather more info from C-Hings.

可能我以上問題是脫離現實, 若然如是, 請直接指出, 不用介意.
但我真的想知道, 如我不能添置後置, 有什麼其他方法可以產生surround效果. 期待指點/指教.萬謝!

looooomi 發表於 2011-2-18 23:11

Then you can go for Yamaha Sound Bar


kkvirus 發表於 2011-2-18 23:15

{:6_194:}finally you will be itchy again and get a real 5.1 or 7.1 system

pchan3933 發表於 2011-2-18 23:28

回復 6# looooomi

    Thanks, understand sound bar is nothing closed to 5.1, yet it could be an option to simulated it.

pchan3933 發表於 2011-2-18 23:30

回復 7# kkvirus

If I keep reading this forum, for sure, I will be itchy.
It's also true that at the very beginning, it's because of this forum, it makes me 身痕 to ask for surround effect, better front speakers, better AV equipments etc......
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