hhkcom 發表於 2011-2-17 15:52

請教ching用什麼software轉片去media player呢.

請教ching用什麼software轉片去media player呢..係for BD and DVD...{:6_141:}
最好是freeware, 試玩版啦{:6_122:} ......試過好用同快先至幫佢買....thanks a lot!!

ming 發表於 2011-2-17 16:19

{:1_351:}dvdfab 一流


mon249 發表於 2011-2-17 16:30

dvdfab 一流x2

ming 發表於 2011-2-17 16:54

dvdfab + dvbpasskey

hhkcom 發表於 2011-2-18 05:57

回復 4# ming

    Thanks ching, DVD PASSKEY 是什麼來的呢, 又係要黎轉DVD變為ISO檔既software?

Mint 發表於 2011-2-18 09:20

Passkey for DVD is a Windows-based driver that works on-the-fly to unprotect encrypted DVD discs. It can remove all known DVD copy protections and region codes just in seconds to help you watch any DVD movie with no limitation, allows you to use any software, including DVDFab DVD Copy and DVD Ripper, to access unencrypted DVD contents to copy, burn, clone them, and so on.

Remove all known DVD protections
Work with other software like DVDFab DVD Copy, DVD Ripper to access unencrypted DVD content
Allow you to watch any DVD without any limit

hhkcom 發表於 2011-2-18 09:35

Passkey for DVD is a Windows-based driver that works on-the-fly to unprotect encrypted DVD discs. It ...
Mint 發表於 2011-2-18 09:20 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

Thanks ching, ..seems that is so powerful{:6_193:} .I really forgot a lot of DVD disk had a protection function...haha, {:6_136:}

Mint 發表於 2011-2-18 10:09

我都想係到問下, 用 DVD Fab 轉 DVD 去 mkv , 可唔可以包到幾個音軌係一個檔案內?

ewartuen 發表於 2011-2-18 13:19

回復 4# ming

Ming, 想問下DVDfab唔係已經可以做到解密啦咩, 點解仲要用埋Passkey既, 我見到佢個官網有呢樣野, 仲以為佢係多舊魚添!

ming 發表於 2011-2-18 13:52

加埋PASSKEY 就完美喇
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