itunes 用 ASIO Output
請問各 Ching 知吾知 itunes 10點樣可以好似 foobar 2000 用到ASIO Output ?????{:1_347:} {:1_347:} 我都好想知 {:6_183:}
off topic:
如果想play Aiff 用ASIO (with up-sampling) 試下 audiogate from KORG {:6_193:} 我都好想知
off topic:
如果想play Aiff 用ASIO (with up-sampling) 試下 audiogate from KORG...
cookiemon 發表於 2011-2-15 18:38
可以upsampling? Yes !
For audiogate
Edit -> Preference, change the Sample rate and buffer size
Could do 96K and 2048 with ASIO for all driver with my YULONG D100.
Have fun ! Yes !
For audiogate
Edit -> Preference, change the Sample rate and buffer size
Could do 96K and...
cookiemon 發表於 2011-2-18 20:38
But can it output through optical out?