Denon 4311 vs Pioneer LX83 vs Onkyo 3008 ???
C hingsWhich one would you choose if you want to pair with KEF 3005se ??
(Music 20%, Game 30%, Movie 30%, TV 20%)
Also, later will add a pair of front speaker. (maybe B&W 684, or Kef IQ70).
Please give suggestion ...... thank you so~~ much guys ....好似吾同級數, 雖然價錢差不多 exactly hard to choose ... cause I don't think I can try all 3 with the same setting .... 如果KEF就Onkyo;B&W嘅就Denon & Pioneer啦! 睇戲多一定Denon,聲夠狠{:6_193:}
其實我試聽過LX83,睇演唱會係幾有氣氛同感覺……但specs就好似比前兩者弱~{:6_183:} 就算試唔到同setting, 起碼都試到取向, 師兄去試左再睇睇自己口味啦