Pioneer LX83 setting
小弟現有的Yamaha 3090 5.1組合內,從來未有接上中置speaker.因為一向都是以 2 channel 主. 如更換現有 Yamaha 3090 到 P記的83 或 O記的5008, 可否也一樣把setting 保持為4.1, 不用中置speaker, 而人聲也够details 在 2 channel組合裏出到呢 ? 又 P記的83 好或O記的5008 比較好些呢?其實唔用中置speaker 的原因, 是怕中置speaker 跟不上原有的2 channel組合
Pre-Amp Cello 1m line + Krell 400Cx, 現有的Yamaha 3090 pre out 到 2 channel 組合裏出聲 If I decide to use Centre speaker, any chings help me out in choosing the Center Speaker to work with my 2 channel system. Most probably, I will choose LX83 as my final choice. Budget under $10K