Any Ching using ONIX Int Amp + CD Player
Hi, I'm looking for Int Amp + CD Player. Would like to know any Ching using ONIX Int Amp and CD Player pls? If yes, please give me some comment or advise. At this moment, my temporary targets may be ONIX RA125 and CD-15.
Many thanks 我用緊RA-125
cdp就冇入手太貴{:6_199:} 回復 2# mingqq
is the amp with good performance? and what cp player you are using at the moment? 回復 2# mingqq
by the way, i see it has Bypass. Is it AV bypass? 我唔識英文{:6_191:} 回復 5# mingqq
i don't know how to type chinese. No problem, let's talk to u tomorrow. I just pm my to you.