Just bought at MK, Japan version, Round-Up XRCD, 24 bit Super Analog, I hope it sounds better than my regular one. Same as Telarc Round up? Yes, it is Telarc Round-Up Japan version, XRCD 24bit, I cant play now, because its midnight now. 美版Telarc既錄音好唔錯了,日版更正?等ching report。 我得呢兩隻{:6_235:} 咁啱我又有一隻SACD呢隻RoundUp正係{:6_193:} 本帖最後由 ez1 於 2011-2-10 08:56 編輯
回復 4# wahonga
I will play tomorrow and see is there any better than the regular copy. 本帖最後由 audionewhand 於 2011-2-10 08:25 編輯
Mine one is 日本松下頭版. 回復 8# audionewhand
My one is manufactured by JVC Mastering Center, Victor Company of Japan Ltd. 你是否在信和買? 一百元左右?我記得呢一堆包裝精美的XRCD是袓國產品。 Good luck.