配kef 3005se amp 之選擇
今日係kef showroom 試過kef 5005.2, T205 同3005SE, 比較過後目標鎖定3005SE反而amp 就仲未有決定,想請教下各位c hing, 3005se 配咩amp 表現最好
我睇戲, 聽歌, 打機各3份1{:1_338:}
budget 10K
1. onkyo NR808
2. yamaha 2067
3. pioneer lx73
4. marantz (showroom 用marantz, 自己冇咩認識{:1_336:} , 有冇suggestion?)
同埋3005se 賣緊幾錢同咩地方最平?
thanks! Many chings use Onkyo to match KEF (me too).
Try try Michael Audio (德發左邊第一間) I chose onkyo NR808 How about Pioneer SC-LX73? (or LX83) cause I'm also looking for amp to pair with KEF 3005 YAMAHA 夾 KEF 一向穩陣 yamaha 2067{:6_193:} 本來已經決定左, 出去行下格下價, 問左幾間3005se 都成$11800, 我前置同surround 都要stand, 加加埋埋成23k (amp假設用onkyo NR808), 呢個budget 好似用佢麻麻地
上76 爬下文諗諗下都係用2x k去買對前置+amp 先, 再一步步組成個5.1 system. 前置係咪即係書架喇叭呀? 初步打算cm8 + marantz sr7005
ching 有冇咩意見? {:1_351:} Yamaha {:1_351:}