各位ching,BDP-430有一個前置USB input,但只接受FAT32的USB手指,但FAT32的手指卻有4GB file size limit,我想將一個10GB的MKV file抄落手指,有何妙法?thx a lot. 我都係用430,但我放什麼file進去它都認不到,最後我買了HIMEDIA HD560B FAT32 USB手指佢認到呀,抄個少於4GB的MKV檔都讀到呀,但大個4GB根本抄唔到落手指,冇符。 According to Pioneer, the USB port is not designed to play movies as it can only read USB 手指 but not external hard disk, it is designed to play mp3 or wav only. Oh It's a pity.佢個manual話可讀取MKV檔,我以為可以play movie...
Anyway thank you ching. Yes it reads mkv, but you need a big big size USB thumb drive Can it support SRT Chinese subtitle when playing MKV files?