Pioneer Elite HDTVs to ride again in 2011... as rebranded Sharp LCDsBy Richard Lawler posted Jan 27th 2011 8:58PM
It was a dark day when Pioneer announced its mighty Kuro HDTVs would be no more, but the Pioneer Elite brand still has significant cachet and will return in 2011 on new high end TVs. The bad news? They will be LCDs, not plasmas, manufactured by its partner Sharp, a not entirely surprising move since this was actually the original plan for the Kuro brand back in 2008. Apparently both see potential as Sharp will gain access to higher-end AV salesrooms and integrators for its products, while Pioneer will have TVs to match its continuing Pioneer Elite Blu-ray player and receiver lines. Despite an impressive local dimming demo at CES we're still not sure Sharp can create enough new pixels to replace what we once had, but we should find out for sure when the new models arrive the end of the year, check the press release after the break for more details. 先鋒回歸 夏普北美高端電視將用Elite品牌
夏普美國營銷公司總裁John Herrington表示,通過與先鋒的合作,他們可以將其高端液晶電視帶給Elite用戶。Elite品牌代表著高端市場,夏普產品的畫質和創新能夠滿足他們的要求。
先鋒美國家庭電子產品副總裁Russ Johnston稱,高端電視的加入能夠加強其Elite家庭影院產品的完整性,而夏普高端液晶技術和超強的生產能力將為用戶提供更加豐富的大屏家庭影院體驗。
驅動之家 no plasma {:6_203:} PLASMA PLX{:6_129:} 我估以上說的"液晶電視"不會是舊款的LCD吧,希望是LED﹗ 會唔會係高階TV? 似乎只不過係一部貼牌機only...{:6_188:} 會唔會係高階TV?
鐵心心 發表於 2011-2-2 14:39 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
希望係 OLED,但只是一個希望。
如果係 full local led backlight,
region 又大過 256,加上 pioneer d processing devices
應該唔會好差。 will see{:6_244:} 我冇離開過Woo喎, 我不嬲都係Post76嫁喎!{:6_158:}