請問各位師兄, 新機買返嚟係咪要煲??如果要的話請問係唔係就咁睇電視去煲??同埋煲幾耐?? 係呀唔係一定睇TV 早好就唔好噤光 同唔好有D定格晝面 Use it as normal in NORMAL mode for about 100 hours for run-in.After that, you can tune your TV by using calibration tools. 唔該哂兩位師兄 播雪花! 咁入工程模式有咩用ga? 多d功能?? Use it as normal in NORMAL mode for about 100 hours for run-in.After that, you can tune your TV by ...
洋蔥頭 發表於 2011-2-1 13:13
people said 200 hrs is safer!! 咁入工程模式有咩用ga? 多d功能??
davisybw 發表於 1-2-2011 05:00 PM
To check the total usage time and on/off count of your TV...