chitat 發表於 2011-2-1 11:01

Pan 記 50VT20H + Pan記 BDT300 + Onkyo 708

小弟買了 Pan 記 50VT20H + Pan記 BDT300 + Onkyo 708, TV 用 HDMI 去amp 再由 amp 去 BDP, 但係我有以下問題:
1. BDP 去 AMP HDMI in , D 3D blr ray 話我冇 3D device, 咁我插第二個 BDP 既 HDMI (avout sub)就 ok wor, 係咪要 set 野?,
2. 點解出唔到 jac 3D blr ray (ice-age 3D )既 HDMA5.1....出極 jac amp 都係寫...DTS


mingqq 發表於 2011-2-1 13:15


洋蔥頭 發表於 2011-2-1 13:17

u need to set Bitstream in all sound output and set the AV Sub Out = Off.

ekylam 發表於 2011-2-1 13:33

回复: Pan 記 50VT20H + Pan記 BDT300 + Onkyo 708


洋蔥頭 發表於 2011-2-1 13:42

ekylam 發表於 2011-2-1 13:33

Yes.You should use 1 HDMI to TV and 1 HDMI to Amp.For the HDMI to Amp, set the "Video Off" in the BDP menu.

calvin629 發表於 2011-2-1 13:47

本帖最後由 calvin629 於 2011-2-1 13:48 編輯

why need 1 HDMI to TV and 1 HDMI to Amp?

1 HDMI from BDP to AMP and another HDMI from AMP to TV is not okay?

And MAIN to TV or SUB to TV?

ekylam 發表於 2011-2-1 14:45

The connection of BDP > AMP > TV via HDMI is very OK - actually this is the most common connection. But, since this BDT300 offers 2 x HDMI output, while not utilize the best of it? Such that video and audio are seperated, and this would benefit the quality of both.

Main should go to TV and Sub to Amp, that's how I set up for my gears.

chitat 發表於 2011-2-1 17:02

多謝解答, 回家試試先!

洋蔥頭 發表於 2011-2-1 17:46

why need 1 HDMI to TV and 1 HDMI to Amp?

1 HDMI from BDP to AMP and another HDMI from AMP to TV is...
calvin629 發表於 2011-2-1 13:47

Simple answer.

1.) BDP (HDMI 1) -> TV
- Direct connection without conversion and switch

2.) BDP (HDMI 2) -> AMP
- Turn the HDMI 2 video to off can increase the bandwidth of audio data passes to the Amp.This can increase the overall soundstage.
- Almost all high grade BDP (e.g. Denon DVD-A1UD, Pioneer LX-91) also have this function to increase the sound quality
- I have no idea whether the composer is using 1.4 Amp or not.By using the method I suggest, 3D signal can pass to 3D TV directly.

洋蔥頭 發表於 2011-2-1 17:47

The connection of BDP > AMP > TV via HDMI is very OK - actually this is the most common connection....
ekylam 發表於 2011-2-1 14:45

{:6_193:} Correct
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