Big_McIn 發表於 2011-1-29 08:10

本帖最後由 Big_McIn 於 2011-1-29 11:10 編輯

ricoy288 發表於 2011-1-29 04:13



1. Z7是AV Receiver,你加了7 ch. power amp後就廢咗Z7 power 部份,當Z7為一台AV Controller。

2. Z7現在可以選用PL IIz看戲。

3. 聽2ch音樂可選 Direct/Pure Audio之類,不過聲音會單薄乏味(主觀評)。

4. 所以就要加CDP和Pre Amp+power Amp推CM 7來聽2 Ch哩。

Z7就只用作睇戲AV Controller,只用40%功能哩。

1. Stereo: CDP>>Pre Amp(附Bypass)>>7 ch power amp(只用2 ch)>>CM7。

2. AV: BDP>>Z7>>PRE AMP Bypass>> 7 CH power amp(2 ch)>>CM 7。
                      >>7 ch power Amp(5 ch)>>other 5 spks。


Z7那會無用,但買Int. Amp,7 ch power amp就又廢多2個 ch哩,記得Z7只可玩7.1,從PLIIx/PLIIz選其中一項。

如用Z7充當2 ch Pre amp就等同用BDP播CD。{:6_175:}

ricoy288 發表於 2011-1-29 12:47

本帖最後由 ricoy288 於 2011-1-29 12:58 編輯



1. Z7是AV Receiver,你加了7 ch. power amp後就廢咗Z7 power 部份,當Z ...
Big_McIn 發表於 2011-1-29 08:10

Big 師兄
即是除非玩9.1或以上,甘就應該用INT AMP, 就唔會浪費左部POWER AMP果7ch.




Big_McIn 發表於 2011-1-29 13:45

本帖最後由 Big_McIn 於 2011-1-30 02:53 編輯

Big 師兄
即是除非玩9.1或以上,甘就應該用INT AMP, 就唔會浪費左部POWER AMP果7ch.
ricoy288 發表於 2011-1-29 12:47

"即是除非玩9.1或以上,甘就應該用INT AMP, 就唔會浪費左部POWER AMP果7ch."

單以接駁、簡單和物盡其用,再加埋台7ch amp output不過150w/ch之類,Int. Amp要夠份量如507u/509u,E460,M6i等等就對哩。{:1_326:}

倘若用Lexicon ZX7之類大牛龜 7Ch,玩9.1時,都要玩前、後級,彈性高的。

MF M6 Pre HK$ 20K有找。黑機身。

Ayre K5xeMP HK$23~24K左右。白機身。

ricoy288 發表於 2011-1-30 02:47

"即是除非玩9.1或以上,甘就應該用INT AMP, 就唔會浪費左部POWER AMP果7ch."

單以接駁、簡 ...
Big_McIn 發表於 2011-1-29 13:45

唔該晒, 等我去search下先. tks.

yoes 發表於 2011-2-1 10:20

hello Lemonstar 兄,
what is your final choice then??

wwwbrian 發表於 2011-2-1 10:28

i want to know to as I seen he has sold the power amp already..{:6_138:}

lemonstar 發表於 2011-2-1 12:10

i want to know to as I seen he has sold the power amp already..
wwwbrian 發表於 2011-2-1 10:28

i sold the rotel 5 channel in exchange with the parasound 5 channel since i gave up getting the front height. {:6_184:}
i have another 2 channel rotel and will be selling it soon too.{:1_333:}

lemonstar 發表於 2011-2-1 12:14

hello Lemonstar 兄,
what is your final choice then??
yoes 發表於 2011-2-1 10:20

after audition for several brands(that's within budget),
i went for Atoll (france brand) eventually
will be arriving pretty soon~{:6_143:}

yoes 發表於 2011-2-1 12:17

after audition for several brands(that's within budget),
i went for Atoll (france brand) eventual ...
lemonstar 發表於 2011-2-1 12:14

Thanks CHing, that means they have black model in HK, great!!{:6_142:}
Is it IN100SE?{:6_141:}
waiting for your report on how it goes with B&W{:6_143:}

lemonstar 發表於 2011-2-1 12:51

本帖最後由 lemonstar 於 2011-2-1 13:16 編輯

Thanks CHing, that means they have black model in HK, great!!
Is it IN100SE?
yoes 發表於 2011-2-1 12:17

No, they don't have any black colour models at the moment.
All black ones would be pre ordered and arriving in mid March.
I don't want to wait, that's why I chose silver colour at the end.

oh and btw,i tested in200 int. amp and the pre+power, I went for the pre+power at the end
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查看完整版本: 今晚去試了MF及AF

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