知道有bonus出,已急不及待去買了這Naim CD5XS... 現在,成了,暫時唔再郁嘢了... 恭喜!ching 升級 沒圖沒真相... {:6_190:} Here comes some photos:This box weighs 9KG
Closer look of my favourite brand - Naim
PC and... another remote
Ready to plug in!
Look at the back - DIN socket!
Connected, and placed in the rack
Nait XS and CD5 XS live happily hereafter!
Initial report - really more details can be heard from this new CDP. The bass is much improved and organized. Now still run-in, let's see tomorrow! 本帖最後由 siukit_siuhan 於 2011-1-26 01:01 編輯
WOW, 恭喜師兄~!!
臨近新年, 的確很多師兄升級呢~!!:) 重差隻Flatcap喎...{:6_175:} 恭喜ching.....我今年有沒有bouns仲係一個迷....{:6_194:} ching..此款是否有XLR?
可否告知大約價位?{:6_162:} {:6_236:}好正既bonus呀!{:1_335:} Ching 型爆!!{:6_190:}