請問喺未來網買嘢佢哋會用空郵定掛號我上個月12月30日買咗嘢但係到今日都未送到嚟, 有冇c hing 試 請問喺未來網買嘢佢哋會用空郵定掛號我上個月12月30日買咗嘢但係到今日都未送到嚟, 有冇c hing 試過咁耐 I ordered a cable on 14 Jan with the cheapest shipping and I got it on 21 Jan. but they use register post or just air mail just air mail Bought one pair of QED RCA cable on Jan-10, asked service support for help on Jan-18, they asked me to wait until Jan-28.Luckily, got it on Jan-24. edmond1977 ching, have you checked with the Customer Support what is the status and why took so long? 我上星期已經問過,佢地話4-1-2011 郵局先開,同埋天氣唔好,有大量郵件未做,所以會耐啲.但現在都差唔多一個月,都唔知係咪唔見咗, 真係煩死人