各位師兄,我剛剛報咗去大阪5天團,係2月尾左右,希望師兄你哋提提有咩要注意嘅地方呢? 各位師兄,我剛剛報咗去大阪5天團,係2月尾左右,希望師兄你哋提提有咩要注意嘅地方呢? ...hit87761 發表於 2011-1-25 18:08 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
注意夠吾夠$$$$$$$shoping{:6_135:} 四週圍都是豬扒同sofa{:6_186:},唔好發夢{:6_151:}
AV女郎{:6_134:},萬中無一{:6_194:} 四週圍都是豬扒同sofa,唔好發夢
5.1外星人 發表於 2011-1-25 18:47 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Agree.... Don't think too much...
BTW, u join group tour... not much need to care... but be carefulyour tour guide will bring u to eat some very expensive kobe beef.Good luck. 真係 多$$$$$$$ shopping{:6_196:} Agree.... Don't think too much...
BTW, u join group tour... not much need to care... but be caref ...
rayzine 發表於 2011-1-25 21:31 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
about the expensive kobe beef,i tried since 2004,the taste ,s not specialfor me!{:6_211:} about the expensive kobe beef,i tried since 2004,the taste ,s not specialfor me!
hit87761 發表於 2011-1-25 23:32 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Actually it really depends on your personal taste and which restaurant u go.
If go with tour guide, the beef is 100% over price and not in top quality. So save your money and don't trust your tour guide. 神戶牛如果喺餐廳食, 味道真係好得
如果鐘意食牛, 又唔會玩自遊行嘅都可以試下
另外導遊多數會推介鮑魚, 呢樣我就覺得唔多值
2月如果仲落雪, D衫要諗下點安排
日本室內全部有暖氣, 預左要除衫 日本室內啲暖氣幾勁, 真係要注意! {:6_142:}
帶多啲日元 !{:6_182:}