stevenkk 發表於 2011-1-26 12:51

me 3800 also feel the center seem not thick enough....when compare to L/R, even they are same brand and series...
I did follow the C hing here, he post the tunning EQ before....but seem not satisfy....

stevenkk 發表於 2011-1-26 12:51

me 3800 also feel the center seem not thick enough....when compare to L/R, even they are same brand and series...
I did follow the C hing here, he post the tunning EQ before....but seem not satisfy....

stevenkk 發表於 2011-1-26 12:54

why every time the message appear twice ga....?

topak 發表於 2011-1-27 12:54

any previous post for EQ setting for reference? {:6_125:}

lippito 發表於 2011-1-27 13:18

即將加入 Y 記大家庭,Y 記 Amp Setting 好似好複雜,有無師兄可以開班授徒吖?

極地雪 發表於 2011-1-27 14:02

師兄不妨先試試調教喇叭去120hz - 160 hz


wifier 發表於 2011-1-27 17:06

that's why I choose denon

rayzine 發表於 2011-1-27 17:56

即將加入 Y 記大家庭,Y 記 Amp Setting 好似好複雜,有無師兄可以開班授徒吖? ...
lippito 發表於 2011-1-27 13:18


Jackiewakusome 發表於 2011-1-27 18:01

dont add any effect, otherwise the sound will be 散. I set all the effects to OFF.

Einstein 發表於 2011-1-27 18:06

回復 1# ansicowboy

    Yamaha 唔會人聲弱...{:6_236:}
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