本帖最後由 speedtang 於 2011-1-25 15:27 編輯小第買左部PS3當BD用往先...但係一讀我d日版DVD全部唔啱區{:6_243:}
有冇方法讀倒呢{:6_168:} 因為搬完屋元氣大傷冇可能短期內入多部BD{:6_126:} 咁你之前部DVD機去咗邊? 回復 2# SonSon
新屋...之前用PC睇{:6_140:} 唔想洗錢既.............繼續用PC睇啦{:1_262:} 回復 4# SonSon
{:6_126:}等我仲好期待入O左部AMP可以睇下D珍藏{:6_125:}我D 日版MV同演唱會呀{:6_140:} PS3 HK DVD Region Code =3
Japan DVD Region Code =2
Region codes and countries
Region code Area
0 Informal term meaning "worldwide". Region 0 is not an official setting; discs that bear the region 0 symbol either have no flag set or have region 1–6 flags set.
1 United States, Canada, Bermuda, U.S. territories
2 Europe (except Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus), Middle East, Egypt, Japan, South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho, Greenland
3 Southeast Asia, South Korea, Republic of China (Taiwan), Hong Kong, Macau
4 Mexico, Central America, South America, Australia, New Zealand, Oceania
5 India, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Africa (except Egypt, South Africa, Swaziland, and Lesotho), Central and South Asia, Mongolia
6 People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, North Korea
7 Reserved for future use (found in use on protected screener copies of MPAA-related DVDs and "media copies" of pre-releases in Asia)
8 International venues such as aircraft, cruise ships, etc.
ALL Region ALL discs have all 8 flags set, allowing the disc to be played in any locale on any player. 回復 6# samnet1
咁有冇解救呀{:6_125:} 本帖最後由 samnet1 於 2011-1-25 16:53 編輯
speedtang 發表於 2011-1-25 16:16 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
=> PS3 之前有破解 ( Games ) , Sony 很快出 Firmware update!!
=> 買部 步步X 有HDMI ouput 的DVD 機 ( 冇記錯 沒有 Upscaling function ),
==> 如果你的 AV Amplifier 有Upscaling 的話, 可以試試 ! 請問什麼是UPSCALING??{:6_168:} 本帖最後由 samnet1 於 2011-1-25 16:51 編輯
speedtang 發表於 2011-1-25 16:33 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Upscaling :倍線功能.
==> DVD 只有 480線 ( 480p)解像度 ,
=> Blu-ray support 720線 or 1080線 ( 1080i or 1080p)
=> PS3 Slim or 大部份的 Blu-ray機 可以將 DVD 480線 倍線 成1080線 ( 當然, 你唔好期望 真正 blu-ray 1080線咁 靚啦 )
==> 我用 Onkyo 608, 有 Upscaling funtion {:5_82:} {:5_82:} !!
Definition: Upscaling is a process that mathematically matches the pixel count of the output of a standard or non-hi-def signal (such as standard DVD) to the physical pixel count on an HDTV, which is typically 1280x720 (720p) or 1920x1080 (1080i or 1080p).