1994 年 DALI 前置配中置, IKON VOKAL 2 MK2 OK 嗎?
型號係 DALI 104, 用了十年多之前一直是用在膽機聽歌用的, 現在仲好好聲,近排開始轉用 AV AMP 想玩 5.1, 請問如配IKON VOKAL 2 MK2 有冇人知會唔會有夾唔到聲既問題呢?
有冇高人可以比比意見呢? 謝謝!!
(大家唔好叫我換埋前置, 因為佢暫時仲好健康, 加上呢對喇叭係十幾年來老豆既寶, 我唔想一句話換就掉O左佢, 請明白)
呢 D 就係對喇叭既相。
http://www.hifigalleri.dk/html/alb_vis.asp?AlbumID=1000 唔使掉嫁!賣左去咪得囉!!!{:6_210:} 回復 1# patrick12345
patrick Ching ,
如果你對 Dali 104 唔要 , 請你通知 小弟 一聲 !! 回復 3# KUNGKUNG
我跟隊! 本帖最後由 patrick12345 於 2011-1-25 15:44 編輯
嘩.....十年前既東東都有人要? @_@ 本帖最後由 ming2002 於 2011-2-17 23:45 編輯
I also bought a pair of Dali 104 in 1994 for $4000 and sold it in 1997 for $1500, such a long time when I look back. I remember I kept the boxes for a few years and your attached photos remind me this old story. I also bought a pair of Dali 104 in 1994 for $4000 and sold it in 1997 for $1500, such a long time w ...
ming2002 發表於 2011-2-17 23:38 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我到現在出去好多地方聽過, 都唔覺得屋企對 DAIL 104 比現在既喇叭差 (有少少覺得仲好似清過現在果 D)...
{:6_141:} 回復 7# patrick12345
patrick Ching ,
而覺得同自己對 Dali 104 差唔多呢 ???
Ching 唔好誤會先 , 因為 小弟 都有同感 !!!!
搞到都唔知換咩野喇叭好 ???
當然 , 十萬八萬既就一定 win win ! 回復patrick12345
patrick Ching ,
而覺得同自己對 Dali 104 差 ...
KUNGKUNG 發表於 2011-2-18 18:29 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
咁小弟又無好清楚記住聽既是什麼喇叭, 但聽過幾對衛星喇叭, 同埋聽過 ikon 6 座地,
唔係話 win 佢地, 但亦唔覺得差過佢地.....所以好似一直可以用落去唔洗換咁... After I sold Dali 104, I owned Energy Pro 4.5, Audio Pro Black Diamond. Actually they are at the similar price range (~$5000) 2nd tier of brand. The performance is very similar.
But recently I changed it to Dail Ikon 6 the performance on movie and music is unbeliverable. I'd say the improvement is > 60%.
The most cost effective way to improve your system in investing in your speakers. It is worth to invest more in it than player, power supply and cable.