發表於 2011-1-28 23:47

法國版, 6月29.

wifier 發表於 2011-1-29 03:40

so cool!!!!!!

發表於 2011-3-22 14:40

美版已見, 灣仔HKD@^%.

Maldini 發表於 2011-3-23 23:52

較鍾意德版&法版封面 !

qqsnk 發表於 2011-3-24 11:56

So fast....I'm waiting for the arrival.....{:6_211:}
but 法版封面 is really better....

Versa 發表於 2011-3-26 04:08

請問美版邊度仲有得賣?早兩日去灣仔"大有" 老板娘話賣晒 {:6_187:}

pbtour4il 發表於 2011-4-5 14:39

英版 Street Date: 16 May, 2011

BLACK SWAN Triple Play Blu-ray
Blu-ray, DVD & a Digital Copy of the film + the following Special Features:
•Metamorphosis: A Three-Part Series - A behind the scenes look at the filmmaking process from Darren Aronofsky’s visionary directing, to the physically-demanding acting, to the stunning special effects.
•Behind the Curtain - An inside look at the film’s costume and production design.
•Ten Years in the Making - Natalie Portman and Darren Aronofsky discuss their creative journey, from “preparing for the role” to “dancing with the camera.”
•Cast Profiles – Roles of a Lifetime - Presented by Fox Movie Channel, the stars reflect on the their challenging and rewarding characters

DVD & Digital Copy of the film + the following Special Feature:
•Metamorphosis: A Three-Part Series - A behind the scenes look at the filmmaking process from Darren Aronofsky’s visionary directing, to the physically-demanding acting, to the stunning special effects.

dragonyam 發表於 2011-4-5 22:30


irismong 發表於 2011-4-6 00:06


adamkong 發表於 2011-4-6 09:34

英版個樣靚過美版 好多喎
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查看完整版本: Black Swan【黑天鵝】Blu-ray Disc

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