Cambridge Audio 維修中心
最近發現部DVD壞咗,掉咗佢又好似太浪費,請問ching,Cambridge Audio維修中心地點同電話。謝謝 Do u have Blu-ray player?If not, I suggest u to buy a Blu-ray player instead of fixing the DVD player. As the cost of repairing itmay be too high.... 回復 2# rayzine
I am using Oppo83se now and just put the old CA DVD99 to bedroom for the other old amp 7.1/5.1 system.{:1_245:} 本帖最後由 awu 於 2011-1-20 00:44 編輯
回復 1# ngansir
代理 Radar Audio Co. -- 辦公室及維修部: 香港葵涌禾塘咀街31-39號香港毛紡工業大廈11字樓1104室
電話:(852)2418 2668 傳真:(852)2418 2211 回復 4# awu
Many thanks!